Māori mass incarceration - MUMA Restorative Justice practices for whānau

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Did you know Aotearoa is world leader in the development of restorative justice practice largely for diversion and pre-sentencing? How can this strength be used to counter "Māori mass incarceration" given our rate of imprisonment has reached one of the highest in the developed world?

Our Justice Sector Development Manager, Eve Pihema Hay recently attended the "Effective & Humane: Restorative and Māori Justice Approaches to the Prison Crisis" Hui sponsored by the Michael and Suzanne Borrin Foundation to be part of the solution.

The conference gathered scholars and practitioners together to look at restorative philosophy and kaupapa Māori approaches to justice and rehabilitation with the intention that there are more successful ways of dealing with those in prison.

"Are we brave enough and imaginative enough to envisage a different way?" ~ Dr Moana Jackson.

At Manukau Urban Māori Authority given the positive impact of our restorative justice practices for whānau, we say yes!

#rjconfer2018Did you know Aotearoa is world leader in the development of restorative justice practice largely for diversion and pre-sentencing? How can this strength be used to counter "Māori mass incarceration" given our rate of imprisonment has reached one of the highest in the developed world?

Our Justice Sector Development Manager, Eve Pihema Hay recently attended the "Effective & Humane: Restorative and Māori Justice Approaches to the Prison Crisis" Hui sponsored by the Michael and Suzanne Borrin Foundation to be part of the solution.

The conference gathered scholars and practitioners together to look at restorative philosophy and kaupapa Māori approaches to justice and rehabilitation with the intention that there are more successful ways of dealing with those in prison.

"Are we brave enough and imaginative enough to envisage a different way?" ~ Dr Moana Jackson.

At Manukau Urban Māori Authority given the positive impact of our restorative justice practices for whānau, we say yes!
