This morning, MUMA had the honour of welcoming leaders and representatives from the Auckland Indian Retail Business community to Waatea. The gathering aimed to discuss solutions and perspectives on crime and offences targeting local businesses. The event commenced with a pōhiri, followed by a hui where ideas were shared on how community providers and leaders can address these concerns to support our whānau and reduce crime in our hāpori.
After the hui, our manuhiri were given a tour of the marae and introduced to the various resources and services MUMA provides to whānau in Tāmaki. Meaningful kōrero was exchanged, and the rest of the evening was spent acknowledging the mahi each rōpu contributes to their local communities.
He mea mīharo te kite i nga rōpu o te hāpori e mahitahi ana mo te painga o te katoa. Na tō raurau, nā tōku raurau ka ora ai te iwi. E mihi ana ki a koutou!