Whānau Complaints Procedure

MUMA are committed to providing a high quality service that meets yours and the needs of your whānau, which is consistent with professional standards.

If at any time you or your whānau feel that the services provided have not met these standards or needs to be improved, then please let us know, as we view Complaints as an opportunity to do things better and we always attempt to resolve any complaints or disputes in your best interests and the best interests of your whānau.

Steps in Making a Complaint

1. Discuss yours or your whānau concerns directly with the staff member providing the service or write to them letting them know what the issues or concerns are. The staff member concerned should endeavour to discuss the issues or concerns with you and your whānau working positively towards a resolution that meets everyone’s needs;

2. If the complaint is unable to be resolved, the staff member is obliged to contact their Manager and ensure that you and your whānau write a letter of complaint, and then the Manager will acknowledge the complaint in writing within 5 working days and determine the appropriate investigation process to occur and could include meeting kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face);

3. The Manager will inform you whether the complaint has been up-held or not within a maximum of 21 working days, and where the complaint has not been up-held, reasons for this will be given in writing;

4. Should you or your whānau wish to take this matter further the complaint can be taken to the General Manager (GM) or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MUMA for their consideration, but this must be completed in writing.